• Screenshot_2020-04-06 BP0101 MAM Manual Single Breastfeeding Pump (1)
  • Screenshot_2020-04-06 BP0101 MAM Manual Single Breastfeeding Pump (2)
  • Screenshot_2020-04-06 BP0101 MAM Manual Single Breastfeeding Pump (3)
  • Screenshot_2020-04-06 BP0101 MAM Manual Single Breastfeeding Pump (4)
  • Screenshot_2020-04-06 BP0101 MAM Manual Single Breastfeeding Pump (5)



Breast milk is the best nourishment a baby can receive and breastfeeding encourages that special bond between mother & baby.
However, when mums want to express their milk and share this special bonding experience with their partners, grandparents and friends, the new MAM Breast pump is the best solution.
The ergonomic shape and the easy handling and cleaning make it ideal at home, work or on the go. A one size fits all soft funnel and quiet pumping guarantee hassle free use anytime, anywhere. Plus, your milk will be expressed directly into the bottle for immediate use or safe and hygienic storage as the design is perfectly matched to MAM’s range of Easy Start Bottles.

Pack Contents:

1x Transparent Adaptor including soft funnel
1x Manual Pump Handle
1x Funnel Cover
1x Easy Start bottle with sealing disc – 160ml/5.5 oz

SKU: BP0101 Category:


Breast milk is the best nourishment a baby can receive and breastfeeding encourages that special bond between mother & baby.
However, when mums want to express their milk and share this special bonding experience with their partners, grandparents and friends, the new MAM Breast pump is the best solution.
The ergonomic shape and the easy handling and cleaning make it ideal at home, work or on the go. A one size fits all soft funnel and quiet pumping guarantee hassle free use anytime, anywhere. Plus, your milk will be expressed directly into the bottle for immediate use or safe and hygienic storage as the design is perfectly matched to MAM’s range of Easy Start Bottles.

Pack Contents:

1x Transparent Adaptor including soft funnel
1x Manual Pump Handle
1x Funnel Cover
1x Easy Start bottle with sealing disc – 160ml/5.5 oz


Additional information


Sterilise using one of the following methods: steam sterilising (electric or microwave according to manufacturers instructions), boiling in water for at least 5 minutes or liquid sterilising solution.

Do not use abrasive cleaning agents.

In order to store the sterilised nipple shields hygienically, keep them in the closed sterilised carry box.

Please carefully read and follow all the manufacturers instructions provided.


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